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Probiotic Gummies Benefits & Why They Should Be SBOs

Posted by Ethan Boldt on

SBO probiotic gummies

By Dr. Josh Axe Probiotics are healthy microbes, including bacteria and yeast, that live inside each of our gut microbiomes. Not only are trillions of these microbes residing in your GI tract, they can also be consumed from probiotic foods and supplements.  What happens to your body when you start taking probiotics? Probiotic health benefits include supporting a healthy microbiome, as well as healthy digestive and immune system functions. For example, probiotics assist in maintaining a healthy gut lining, proper nutrient absorption, elimination and immune responses. When choosing a probiotic supplement, you typically have the option of purchasing capsules, powder...

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Probiotics for Kids: Benefits for Gut Health & the Immune System

Posted by Ethan Boldt on

Probiotics for kids

By Dr. Josh Axe If you already take probiotics yourself and have experienced benefits for digestive health and regularity, you might want to know: How can probiotics help my child? Probiotics for kids offer many of the same benefits that probiotics offer for adults. For example, children's probiotics are great for kids who could use gut and digestive support, or who deal with occasional gas, bloating or constipation. Should Children Take Probiotics?  Do pediatricians recommend probiotics? Probiotics are considered generally safe for kids, and many pediatricians and experts in digestive health now recommend kids probiotics for children. Of course, you...

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Gummies vs. Capsules: Which Are Better?

Posted by Ethan Boldt on

Gummies vs. capsules

When shopping for supplements these days, you certainly have a lot of options, including different ways to take the same types of nutrients.  Whether you prefer taking supplements in capsule, tablet, gummy, powder, liquid extract or syrup form, there’s a lot to benefit from when you make high-quality supplements a regular part of your routine. Two popular types of supplements include gummies — usually made with gelatin plus flavors — and capsules, which contain small amounts of concentrated, powdered nutrients. Do gummies or capsules work better? When it comes to gummies vs. capsules, each has its own advantages. In this...

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