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Acacia Fiber's 4 Health Benefits, Including as a Prebiotic

Posted by Ethan Boldt on

Acacia fiber benefits

Although it might sound like a mystery ingredient, acacia fiber (also called acacia gum or gum arabic) has been used for centuries to support digestive health and for other purposes.  Acacia is still found in a wide range of products today — for example, it’s added to baked goods, skincare and haircare products, and fiber supplements due to its ability to improve the texture of some foods and creams, and also to increase one’s fiber intake. It's also a featured ingredient in Ancient Nutrition's new Vegetarian Collagen Peptides.  What does acacia fiber do when you consume it? One of its key...

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Best Plant-Based Collagen Boosters

Posted by Ethan Boldt on

Plant-based collagen boosters vs. collagen protein

By Jill Levy Collagen is quickly becoming a go-to supplement for athletic adults, women looking to support the health of their skin and hair, those who are looking to maximize their health in the normal aging process, and just about everyone in between. With a variety of collagen options now available, you might be trying to determine: plant-based collagen boosters vs. collagen protein — what’s the difference and how do the two stack up? Technically, there isn’t such a thing as “vegan collagen,” since collagen is an animal-derived protein, found in things like bones and connective tissues. However, there are...

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Benefits of Collagen for Vegetarians, Plus a Revolutionary New Supplement

Posted by Ethan Boldt on

Collagen for vegetarians

By Dr. Josh Axe Collagen is not found in many food sources that are widely consumed today.  Therefore most folks, especially vegetarians and vegans who avoid eating animal products, don't get enough collagen in their diets. If you eat a plant-based diet, but have heard all about the many benefits of collagen for your skin, gut, joints and hair, you’re probably interested in finding a vegetarian collagen source. But does such a thing exist?  Can collagen be plant-based? And if so, where does it come from and how can it contribute to your overall health? Let’s look more closely at how...

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